• comercial@todeca.com
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Todeca partners

TODECA Partners

Bombas Torres

Every day there are more people who buy for service. A good quality/price ratio, a rapid customer response and personalized attention are the bases for a top quality customer service.

We share this principle with our collaborating companies, being close to the client is a fundamental rule for us and for companies like Bombas Torres. Give each client what they ask for, attention, direct treatment and personalized management according to their demands.

bombas torres partner de todeca

The supply of special pumps for the industry requires complying with this way of acting, as it is also for Todeca, as a company that supplies chemical products for the industry.

From our experience in the sale of chemical products, we know that the use of pumps for lifting corrosive and dangerous liquids, or especially difficult ones, such as thermal oils such as those represented by Todeca, is very important.

Bombas Torres in addition to a proven quality in the supplied product, it provides above all service, the basic standard of Todeca.

If you have any questions or suggestions, contact us at comercial@todeca.com. We will be happy to help and advise you.
The team of TODECA

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